Personal Development

The Importance of Home Improvements for Working-Class Millennials

Millennials, especially those who belong to the working class, place a significant emphasis on homeownership. For them, owning a home is a great accomplishment and a symbol of stability and success. As such, it’s important for working-class millennials to invest in home improvements that enhance their living spaces, creating a comfortable and personalized environment. Making […]

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The Importance of Home Improvements for Working Class Millennials

Homeownership is a significant milestone for many working-class millennials. Along with the joys of owning a home, come responsibilities, including the need for regular home improvements. As millennials ourselves, we understand the importance of enhancing our living spaces to create a comfortable and personalized environment. In this article, we will explore why home improvements are […]

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Memorial Day Playlist

Memorial Day is more than just a long weekend to go camping, have pool parties and grill out. I always take a moment to remember the true meaning behind the day, thank the veterans who have served and given their lives for this country and say a prayer for the families left behind. Nothing can […]

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12 Things I Learned from Joining the Workforce After College

I graduated undergraduate in May 2014 in a post-recession world. It was different. Companies run leaner, meaning I was going to have more job responsibilities in a normal workday. I learned a few things very quickly after college while working and there were definitely some tough love moments. Here are 12 things I learned from […]

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What are Things You Should Do After You Buy a Home?

‘Tis the season for home buying! My wife and I have bought 2 homes so far. We have learned what to do during the home buying process but what many people don’t talk about is what to do after you close on a home. You may think it’s immediately move-in ready (and it may be […]

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The Reality of Student Debt Repayment

For most of us, paying off student debt in 2 years or less in not realistic with other obligations I am now 5 years removed from completing my undergraduate studies and 2 years removed from completing my masters program. Here I am today, with a fairly sizable student loan balance and a monthly payment that’s […]

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3 Things I Learned from Marie Kondo’s Tidying Up Netflix Series

How the idea of “Does it spark joy?” changed my way of thinking. Over the years I have occasionally edged on the verge of what some may call a hoarder. I’m not proud of this but it came with the self-imposed title of crafter and always assuming I would one day need this or that […]

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How Having an Emergency Fund Saved My Dog and My Finances

Since graduating college, I pivoted to learning more about personal finance. I read a lot of blogs and books like Millennial Money. I listen to podcasts like The Stacking Benjamins Show. I even work with a financial advisor since I am by no means an expert. One of the very first things these sources of […]

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