Author: Kenny T

The Importance of Home Improvements for Working-Class Millennials

Millennials, especially those who belong to the working class, place a significant emphasis on homeownership. For them, owning a home is a great accomplishment and a symbol of stability and success. As such, it’s important for working-class millennials to invest in home improvements that enhance their living spaces, creating a comfortable and personalized environment. Making […]

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Keep Track of Home Improvements

Should I Keep Track of Home Improvements?

I recently should my second home in 3 years (I don’t actually own multiple homes. I just move a lot). We owned this home for just over two years but have done a ton of home improvements, both DIY projects and professional installers. When we moved in, our realtor advised us that as we make […]

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Low Cost Home Improvements

7 Low Cost Home Improvements You Can do Yourself that Increase Home Value

My wife and I have owned two homes and currently in the process of buying our third home. Needless to say, we are learning quite a few tricks to instantly increase the value of the homes we buy. There are several low cost home improvements we have done that have made a big impact to […]

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Investment versus Paying Off Debt: Which One is Better?

I am by no means a finance and budgeting expert. But I do enjoy the challenge. When I was getting ready to graduate from undergrad, the financial burden of paying off debt and obligations were quickly becoming a harsh reality. Knowing I have a car payment, rent, student loans, and much more were becoming real, […]

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Memorial Day History Lesson

Memorial Day is a symbol for many things. For kids in school, it means school is almost out and summer is here. For many adults, it means a three-day weekend. But most important of all, it’s a day to honor those who have served this great nation through the United States Armed Forces. Many people […]

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10 Great Games for Cookouts: Cornhole, Spikeball, KanJam…

Memorial Day, Independence Day, Weddings, Graduation Parties, Tailgates, Concerts. Yes, sweet summertime is almost here! It’s getting warmer and nicer by the day and I’m getting the itch to grill out, play games, and sit poolside. I come from a big family. Cookouts and outdoor parties are a routine thing with a family as large […]

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12 Things I Learned from Joining the Workforce After College

I graduated undergraduate in May 2014 in a post-recession world. It was different. Companies run leaner, meaning I was going to have more job responsibilities in a normal workday. I learned a few things very quickly after college while working and there were definitely some tough love moments. Here are 12 things I learned from […]

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What are Things You Should Do After You Buy a Home?

‘Tis the season for home buying! My wife and I have bought 2 homes so far. We have learned what to do during the home buying process but what many people don’t talk about is what to do after you close on a home. You may think it’s immediately move-in ready (and it may be […]

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Why is Buying a Home such a Pain in the Ass?

My wife and I bought our first home, a condo, in 2016. At the time, we were only dating and the home was on a whim. We were only window shopping through Zillow and found this amazing condo with an open house the following weekend. Without an agent and no expectations, we decided to go. […]

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How to Plan a Budget Friendly Vacation

My wife and I celebrate our wedding anniversary in May. Last May was our first anniversary. Now, our wedding was not traditional to say the least. I was wrapping up my masters, we were in the middle of moving out-of-state and we had a destination wedding in Naples, Florida. In the midst of all these […]

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