10 Great Games for Cookouts: Cornhole, Spikeball, KanJam…

Memorial Day, Independence Day, Weddings, Graduation Parties, Tailgates, Concerts. Yes, sweet summertime is almost here! It’s getting warmer and nicer by the day and I’m getting the itch to grill out, play games, and sit poolside. I come from a big family. Cookouts and outdoor parties are a routine thing with a family as large as mine. I’m talking practically a weekly tradition where at least 20 family members get together at someone’s house. As much as I love the food, I love the games even more. Here are 5 adult and 5 kids games anyone can enjoy at your cookouts this summer!


Cornhole (or “Bags” as my friend calls it) is a staple for any cookout. It’s an outdoor game where 2 players or teams take turns tossing bean bags at a raised board with a hole in the far end. If you put the bag in the hole, you get 3 points, while one on the board scores 1 point. The teams can cancel each other’s points by also putting the bag in the hole or one the board. You continue to throw bags until a team or player reaches or exceeds the score of 21.

You can either buy your cornhole set custom made or standard through several people. Victory Tailgate makes some great custom boards!


Spikeball is another great game both adults and kids can enjoy! This game is very similar in concept to volleyball. First, you set 2 teams of 2 people. Players are positioned at 4 points around the net, with teammates located at neighboring positions. One player serves the ball into the trampoline to an opposing team member. The opposing team then has 3 hits (or contacts) to return the ball to the trampoline net. After the serve, there are no boundaries of play. Participants are free to run, set, and spike the ball from anywhere around the net. You continue to play until one of the teams cannot return the ball or the ball hits a rim piece. The other team then receives 1 point.

Spikeball can be bought on Amazon. I promise this game is fast and fun!

Kan Jam

Kan Jam is fun leisure game that most people who can throw a frisbee will enjoy at your cookout. The object of the game is to score points by throwing and deflecting the frisbee and hitting or entering the goal. Your team needs to get exactly 21 points to win. If a throw puts you over 21, the points from that throw are deducted from your score.

Kan Jam can be bought in most stores but can also be found on Amazon for a fair price. Check it out if your looking for a game most people can play.


Horseshoes is a game my uncles played a lot when I was growing up. Typically, they played horseshoes with two teams of two people. Thy alternated throwing horseshoes at stakes in the ground about 40 feet apart. The stakes were in the middle of a sand box or sandpit. There are two ways to score in horseshoes: by throwing ringers or by throwing the horseshoe closest to the stake. A ringer is a horseshoe that has been thrown in such a way as to completely encircle the stake. The first team to 11 points won.

Giant Jenga

Giant Jenga is fun with a bunch of people outside at a cookout. Jenga consists of taking one and only one block from any level of the tower, and placing it on the topmost level to complete it. The game ends when the tower falls, or if any piece falls from the tower other than the piece being knocked out to move to the top. The winner is the last person to successfully remove and place a block.

Freeze Tag

Freeze tag is a childhood favorite of mine (even though I never won). There is one person who is “it” and whoever is “it” must tag all other players to freeze them. The person who is “it” wins by tagging (freezing) everyone. Frozen players can’t move, players can be unfrozen by being tagged by other players who aren’t frozen. Adults can play this with the kids to make it even more fun!

Shadow Tag

Shadow tag is similar to freeze tag. However, you do need sun to cast shadows. Whoever is “it” must tag other player’s shadows on the ground, usually with their feet running after the other players. As a player, you won’t feel a tag so tagging someone and letting them know is an honor system and judgement call most times. Once whoever is “it” tags another player’s shadow the tagged person becomes “it” and must tag another player’s shadow. It’s a never-ending game that is destined wear you out!

Crack the Egg

Crack the egg was one of my favorites at cookouts! You need a trampoline to play. In crack the egg, whoever the “egg” is, must sit in the middle of the trampoline with their knees pulled up to their chest, arms wrapped around the knees, and chin tucked down. The other players jump on the trampoline around the egg until the egg is cracked. The egg cracks when they let go of their legs. Players jumping can’t touch or jump near the egg. Once the egg cracks, it is a new player’s turns to be the egg.

Be careful playing this game. You don’t want to launch the egg off the trampoline. That is no fun for anyone!

Four Square

Four Square is a classic game at cookouts. Most times we used the squares of the concrete driveways as our court grid. The game is played among four players on a square court divided into four squares (who would’ve thunk?). The goal to the game is to eliminate the other 3 players to achieve the number one spot on the grid. You eliminate players by bouncing the ball back and forth amongst each player’s square. A player is eliminated when a ball is bounced in their square and the player is unable to return the ball into another player’s square.


As bad as I am at basketball (believe me, I’m terrible), it was always fun to play different basketball games and tournaments at the family cookouts. We played 2-on-2 games, 3-on-3 games, 21, and H.O.R.S.E all the time. Everyone got into it while some people played, others enjoyed watching, especially when the uncles and older cousins got ultra competitive!Just remember, these are only a few of the many games you can play at cookouts. It keeps the summer cookouts fun and light-hearted with friends or family. If you’re hosting, and looking to whip your yard into shape, checkout my tips for improving your lawn before hosting the next cookout!

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